Beggars Come to Washington

By Ntumfoyn Boh Herbert (Yindo Toh) We have seen this movie before. African leaders, cap in hand, singing for breakfast in strange, foreign lands. The cast has not changed. It is the same crop today as in years… even decades past, for the Biyas, Musevenis, Obiang Nguemas. The cast is dominated by vampire, blood-sucking tyrants. […]


GEOSTRATEGIC EPIPHANY Assessment of the risks associated with President Macron’s potential support for the independence of Ambazonia. PR. Eric Mathias Owona Nguini Vice-Rector in charge of Research of the University of Yaoundé I Cameroonian political scientist In defining independence strategies around perfect circumstances, war advocates in the NOSO have often been so blinded by their […]

Mediation in Africa – OHADA Rules

1 Intro OHADA is the French acronym for “Organisation pour l’Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit des Affaires.” This translates in English to: “Organisation for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa”. The result of a Treaty signed by 17 French-speaking African countries in 1993, one could make an opening case that the acronym should be […]