Roadmap to the Restoration of Independence

Movement for the Restoration of the Independence of Southern Cameroons (MoRISC)

Mission: Enthrone a Government in Southern Cameroons that is based on popular consent, deriving authority and legitimacy from the people; not the decrees or might of a regime that, since 1961, is injurious to citizens’ rights to life, freedom, independence, equality and dignity.

Roadmap to the Restoration of Independence

Sunday, 1 January 2017

  • Launch of a well-coordinated Campaign of Civil Disobedience to De-legitimize Colonialism by boycotting all events organized and/or presided by Governors, Senior Divisional Officers, Divisional Officers, and/or Government Delegates. Campaign declares null and void the powers conferred by decree (not flowing from the people) on these colonial officials.
  • Elected Councilors, Elected Mayors, Elected Members of Parliament, and Elected Senators along with the Elected Leaders of Major Trade Unions (Lawyers, Teachers, Student Leaders, Traders, “Okada” Riders, etc.) to constitute the Lower House of the New Interim Congress of Southern Cameroons. (Officials who decline to serve shall be replaced by their alternates, their assistants, or the next officer in order of protocol).
  • Launch of Campaign to Rehabilitate/Legitimize the Chiefs and Fons ahead of the Revamping of the House of Chiefs and Fons. The House of Chiefs and Fons to serve as the Upper Chamber of the New Interim Congress of Southern Cameroons. (Citizens whose Chiefs and/or Fons decline to serve will have option to designate another traditional authority.)
  • Launch of the “Prayer for the Peaceful Restoration of Independence” to be said on all Sundays and on all Fridays in all churches and mosques across Southern Cameroons. (Prayer to be sent on 30 December 2016).
  • Launch grassroots branches of MoRISC and “Resistance Offices”.
  • Launch of the global eCitizenship campaign for Southern Cameroons.
  • NB: No officials appointed by the Government of La Republique du Cameroun shall be able to serve unless they first resign and are vetted.Go to Calendar Here or Continue for Full Road Map Story

Monday, 2 January 2017 (and Every Monday until 30 September 2017)

  • Well-coordinated Ghost Towns to be held once a week – on every Monday – in all the counties, towns, villages and hamlets of Southern Cameroons.

Saturday, 21 January 2017 (Maryland, USA)

  • MoRISC Conference for the North America Diaspora holds in Maryland to agree the role of the Diaspora in the Restoration of Independence; raise funds for the movement; honor the heroes/martyrs of the struggle; complete the process of setting up MoRISC branches across the United States.
  • Use the convention of MoRISC in Maryland to agree the objectives, themes and agenda of the worldwide Diaspora Conventions of Southern Cameroonians billed for 11 February 2017 around the globe.
  • Setting up of the Constitutional Drafting Committee; the Committee charged with writing an Election Law and setting up the Independent Electoral Commission; the setting up of the Committee for Drafting a Law to Resolve Business Disputes; and Other Key Pieces of Legislature from among law professors and lawyers of the Bar Councils of the North West and the South West

Saturday-Sunday, 4-5 February 2017

  • Setting up of and election of the leadership teams of MoRISC in all the cities, towns, counties, divisions, villages, and hamlets of Southern Cameroons.
  • Election of the leadership teams of MoRISC at the level of the North West and South West Regions.

Saturday, 11 February 2017

  • Massive boycott (Ghost Towns) to use of Youth Day to erase the history of Southern Cameroons, notably Plebiscite Day (11 February 1961).
  • First Southern Cameroons Day to Show Overwhelming Support for the Restoration of Independence (From exactly noon and lasting only until exactly 1pm: all citizens of Southern Cameroons on “Ghost Town” campaign to step out of their homes into the road/street in front of their homes and to join in on a country-wide shaming of colonialism through the ringing of bells, booing, shouting, beating of drums, buckets, dancing, clapping of hands, etc.)
  • Ensure international press coverage of the above campaign, showing the thirst for freedom and self-government by Southern Cameroonians.
  • MoRISC Conventions of the Southern Cameroons Diaspora hold Worldwide in every country where Southern Cameroonians are based.
  • Election at the MoRISC Worldwide Conventions of the Diaspora Elect an Ambassador-in-Waiting and Embassy Staff-in-Waiting for each country.
  • Election at the MoRISC Worldwide Conventions of the leadership across the world.
  • The House of Chiefs and Fons (Upper Chamber of the Southern Cameroons Interim Congress) Opens virtually.
  • The Legislature/Parliament (Lower House of the Interim Congress of Southern Cameroons) convenes virtually. Enlarged membership to include Representatives of Elected Councilors, Elected Mayors, Elected Parliamentarians, Elected Senators, Elected Reps. of Students, Lawyers, Traders, Women, Religious Leaders, Transporters and “Okada” Riders, etc.
  • The Interim Congress of Southern Cameroons authorizes a number of its members to enter into negotiations with the Government of La Republique du Cameroun; to reach transition arrangements, including future diplomatic relations, responsibility for the national debt, compensation for the parties, currency, security and defense.
  • MoRISC opens process for receipt of applications for the posts of Governors-in-Waiting of the North West and South West Regions, and Senior Divisional Officer-in-Waiting and Divisional Officer-in-Waiting. These positions will be open during this transition to only natural leaders of the people (Chiefs/Fons) and to already elected officers: Elected Senators, Elected Parliamentarians, Elected Mayors, Elected Councilors.
  • MoRISC holds election to add Southern Cameroonian Youth organizations leaders into Lower Chamber, in case youth representation is inadequate.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

  • Inauguration Ceremonies for the newly-elected Ambassadors-in-Waiting and Southern Cameroons Embassy Staff-in-Waiting in the Diaspora.
  • Transmission of the names and contacts of the Ambassadors-in-Waiting and staff of the soon-to-be-established diplomatic missions to the Interim Congress of Southern Cameroons.
  • The process opens for receipt of applications for positions in the upcoming Interim Government of Southern Cameroons.

Monday, 13 February 2017

  • Dispatch of the first official diplomatic letters by the Ambassadors-in-Waiting to inform the Governments of the countries in the Diaspora of the outcome of the MoRISC Diaspora Conventions.
  • Start of active lobbying of the host countries where the Southern Cameroonian Diaspora is based in order to win recognition.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

  • Second Southern Cameroons Day for Show of Overwhelming Support for Independence (Street Demonstrations in all counties, towns, villages and hamlets of Southern Cameroons. All citizens to demonstrate on the roadway or streets outside their homes from exactly noon and closing promptly at 1pm by ringing bells, beating drums, booing, dancing in the streets/roadways)
  • Ensure international press coverage of the above campaign, showing the thirst for freedom and self-government by Southern Cameroonians.

Monday, 6 March 2017

  • Transmission of the First Report on the eCitizenship Campaign of Southern Cameroons to the United Nations, the African Union, the Government of La Republique du Cameroun, all member countries of the United Nations and global media.
  • Designation by the Interim Congress of Southern Cameroons of the team of experts to begin negotiations with the African Development Bank, the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund on partnership in the development of Southern Cameroons.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

  • Total boycott of all International Women’s Day events organized or chaired by officials (Governors, SDOs, Dos, etc.) designated by the Yaounde colonial government.
  • MoRISC organizes election to recruit additional female members of the Interim Congress to ensure gender balance, if found to be wanting.

Friday, 24 March 2017

  • Deadline for receipt of applications to serve in the Interim Government of Southern Cameroons.

Saturday, 1 April 2017

  • Fourth Southern Cameroons Day for Showing Total Support for Independence (Street Demonstrations in all counties, towns, villages and hamlets of Southern Cameroons. All citizens to demonstrate on the roadway or streets outside their homes from exactly noon and closing promptly at 1pm: ringing of bells, beating of drums, booing, dancing, shouting, ululation, etc.)
  • Ensure international press coverage of the above campaign, showing the thirst for freedom and self-government by Southern Cameroonians.
  • Transmission of all applications received from candidates seeking to serve in the Interim Government of Southern Cameroons to the Interim Congress enlarged to include Ambassadors-in-Waiting.

Friday-Saturday, 14-15 April 2017

  • Interim Congress of Southern Cameroons enlarged to include Ambassadors-in-Waiting begins voting (remotely) on the Interim Government of Southern Cameroons.

Friday, 21 April 2017

  • All Day Ghost Town in sign of protest at the subversion of the independence of Southern Cameroons, granted by United Nations General Assembly Resolution on 21 April 1961.
  • Organization of the Fifth Southern Cameroons Day to Proclaim Total Support for the Restoration of Independence to be marked by citizens stepping out of their homes exactly at noon and lasting only until 1pm to the sound of bells ringing, drums beating, boos, singing, dancing, clapping and ululation.
  • Ensure international press coverage of the above campaign, showing the thirst for freedom and self-government by Southern Cameroonians.
  • Announcement of the Interim Government of Southern Cameroons.
  • Election by the Interim Congress enlarged to include Ambassadors-in-Waiting of the Governors-in-Waiting for the North West and South West Regions of Southern Cameroons with applicants drawn from among the Chiefs and/or Fons, elected councilors, elected mayors, elected parliamentarians and senators.
  • Election from among elected councilors, elected mayors, elected parliamentarians and senators of SDOs-in-Waiting and Dos-in-Waiting for all the counties/divisions of the North West and South West.
  • Position of Government Delegate to Urban Council disbanded.

Monday, 1 May 2017

  • Total boycott of all celebrations organized by colonial administrators appointed by Yaounde to mark Labor Day Celebrations.
  • Organization of the Sixth Southern Cameroons Day to Show Total Support for Independence (Street Demonstrations in all counties, towns, villages and hamlets of Southern Cameroons. All citizens to demonstrate on the roadway or streets outside their homes from exactly noon and closing promptly at 1pm.)
  • Ensure international press coverage of the above campaign, showing the thirst for freedom and self-government by Southern Cameroonians.
  • MoRISC organizes the election of the country-wide leadership team of the Federation of Southern Cameroonian Workers (if not yet in place).

Saturday, 20 May 2017

  • Total boycott of all celebrations organized by colonial administrators appointed by Yaounde to mark the so-called reunification of 20th May.
  • Organization of the Seventh Southern Cameroons Day to Show Total Support for Independence (Booing, ringing of bells, beating of drums, dancing in the streets and roads in all counties, towns, villages and hamlets of Southern Cameroons. Demonstrations to last exactly one hour, from noon and closing promptly at 1pm.)
  • Ensure international press coverage of the above campaign, showing the thirst for freedom and self-government by Southern Cameroonians.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

  • Organization of the Eighth Southern Cameroons Day to Show Total Support for Independence (Booing, ringing of bells, beating of drums, dancing in the streets and roads in all counties, towns, villages and hamlets of Southern Cameroons. Demonstrations to last exactly one hour, from noon and closing promptly at 1pm.)
  • Ensure international press coverage of the above campaign, showing the thirst for freedom and self-government by Southern Cameroonians.
  • Transmission of the Second Report of the eCitizenship Campaign of Southern Cameroons to the United Nations, the African Union, the Government of La Republique du Cameroun, and all member states of the United Nations.

Saturday,1 July 2017

  • Organization of the Ninth Southern Cameroons Day to Show Total Support for Independence (Booing, ringing of bells, beating of drums, dancing in the streets and roads in all counties, towns, villages and hamlets of Southern Cameroons. Demonstrations to last exactly one hour, from noon and closing promptly at 1pm.)
  • Ensure international press coverage of the above campaign, showing the thirst for freedom and self-government by Southern Cameroonians.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

  • Organization of the Tenth Southern Cameroons Day to Show Total Support for Independence (Booing, ringing of bells, beating of drums, dancing in the streets and roads in all counties, towns, villages and hamlets of Southern Cameroons. Demonstrations to last exactly one hour, from noon and closing promptly at 1pm.)
  • Ensure international press coverage of the above campaign, showing the thirst for freedom and self-government by Southern Cameroonians.

Friday, 1 September 2017

  • Organization of the Eleventh Southern Cameroons Day to Show Total Support for Independence (Booing, ringing of bells, beating of drums, dancing in the streets and roads in all counties, towns, villages and hamlets of Southern Cameroons. Demonstrations to last exactly one hour, from noon and closing promptly at 1pm.)
  • Ensure international press coverage of the above campaign, showing the thirst for freedom and self-government by Southern Cameroonians.
  • Transmission of the Third and Final Report of the eCitizenship Campaign of Southern Cameroons to the United Nations, the African Union, the Government of La Republique du Cameroun, and all member states of the United Nations.

Monday-Wednesday, 25-27 September 2017

  • Arrival at Tiko and Bamenda International Airports aboard Charter Flights of Ambassadors-in-Waiting of Southern Cameroons from around the world.
  • Arrival at Tiko and Bamenda International Airports aboard aboard Charter Flights of Diaspora Delegations.

Saturday, 30 September 2017

  • Independence Vigil – All Citizens of Southern Cameroons attend independence vigil ahead of independence the next day (Booing, ringing of bells, beating of drums, dancing in the streets and roads in all counties, towns, villages and hamlets of Southern Cameroons. Demonstrations to last all night.)
  • International press coverage of the Vigil organized.

Sunday, 1 October 2017

  • Independence Restoration Day
  • Formal assumption of duty in the capital, Buea, by members of the Interim Congress of Southern Cameroons.
  • Inauguration of the Interim Government of Southern Cameroons.
  • International press coverage of the inaugurations organized.
  • Inauguration balls held across all of the major towns of Southern Cameroons. (Organizers of official balls to register with MoRISC in advance)

Monday, 2 October 2017

  • First Full Day of Independent Southern Cameroons
  • National Day for Celebrating Heroes and Martyrs of Southern Cameroon’s Struggle for the Restoration of Independence
  • Launch of contests to, among others, design a flag, compose an anthem, name the new country, adopt a new code of arms, etc.
  • First full day of work for the Interim Government of Southern Cameroons.
  • First full day of the Drafting Committee of the new constitution and electoral law of Southern Cameroons.
  • First full day of County, town, village and hamlet Electoral Commissions to agree the new electoral law.
  • Start of registration for the first general elections of Southern Cameroons.

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

  • Schools Reopen for First Term across Southern Cameroons

52 thoughts on “Roadmap to the Restoration of Independence

  1. Tafili Eugine Nugha

    This is marvelous sir I can’t wait to see this day of total restoration and freedom,it seems a nightmare but it is already at our doors step,I envisage light in the future,bravo to you all and God bless you for this brilliant idea,we look forward to welcome this day.

  2. Benjamin Besong

    1) Compose and engage ALL liberation groups especially SCNC past and present ,SCYL,SCAPO,Ambazonia (within and Diaspora), CIVIL SOCIETY Consortium etc.
    2) TRY HARD to meet our parliamentarians/Ministers and Convince them personally to consider WITHDRAWING from LRC kangaroo parliament en masse. Our own NFON Mukete seems to have shown an example for others to emulate.
    3) Consider establishing independent Communication FORUM like a mobile RADIO station somewhere just outside our Borders. Kudos to our diaspora brothers already trying to establish an independent Satellite MOBILE TELEPHONE AND INTERNET Network in SC. To achieve this MORISC can establish a Communication Directorate to seek for sponsors We already have suggestions like some of our affluent nationals and non National sympathizers even anonymously…Many can donate depending on who and how to approach. TRANSPARENCY!!
    4) Continuous and intensive Diplomatic LOBBYING at RELEVANT International AGENCIES like the UN G.A. Security Council in New York, African Union,UNPO,ITU, and other member countries especially Nigeria, South Africa,U.K.U.S.,Germany,Scandinavian States etc.
    5) Start Implementing a parallel currency and begin the process of rejectinfg the CFA Franc. NOTE: Already Francophones in West Afica (ECOWAS) are greatly agitating for its immediate replacement with a purely AFRICAN currency!!
    6) And above ALL committ our problem TO ALMIGHTY YAHWEH ,ALLAH etc. KUDOS and GOD BLESS SC and ALL.

    6 ) I do agree with contributors like \mama Franka,Ndi Emmanuel,Angi Taylor etc

  3. Mami Franka

    I’ll first of all like to thank the organizers of MoRISC. The one thing I don’t agree on is the formation and advertisement of positions within the diaspora. I think that all we need at this point is a lobbying body in the diaspora to represent the entire struggle at home and abroad. When those in the diaspora apply and get the positions what happens to the heroes receiving the bullets at home? As per the UN, we need a member state to submit a resolution at the security council on our behalf. We also need to send a petition to the human rights commission in Geneva . This has to be done immediately by our lobbying body. So, our leaders in the diaspora should lobby the country or member states that are willing to submit the draft resolution on our behalf. This should be our primary focus and not give out positions which might alienate those at the war front in Cameroon. Because once those at home understand that the diaspora has a government that excludes them and their heroes, I am afraid they might call off the strike. Just my thoughts.

  4. Terence

    Hello Brothers and sisters

    Good road map
    cant wait
    we need security

    we need an army to defend us when we will be restoring our government

    what are the plans

  5. Ndi Emmanuel

    Dear brothers and sisters of Southern Cameroons, I know we are all very angry about the way we have been treated for the past 55 years. We also deserve freedom and autonomy as our fundamental human rights.
    However, we must not fail to use wisdom in our struggle to win back that freedom.

    From the Roadmap to Independence created by MoRISC I can see that the endgame is a unilateral declaration of independence by Southern Cameroonian leaders.
    This will be a very very big mistake if we fail to first win the support of major world powers like the US, UK, EU, Russia, and international bodies like the AU, and the UN.
    I’m very sure the Biya government is eagerly waiting for us to make that mistake so that they can easily discredit all the efforts we have mad so far.

    Let us learn from the mistakes of others in the past so that we can avoid making them.

    The southern states of USA unilaterally tried to break away from the union in the 1800s and the result was a full scale civil war which resulted in the loss of millions of lives.
    The Biafrans unilaterally declared independence in the 1960s and the result was a full scale attack by the Nigerian government and even with the support of the UK millitary. No major powers came to help the Biafrans. The result was loss of millions of lives and damage of property until the Biafrans surrendered.
    Let us not repeat those mistakes thinking that we will get support after declaring independence.

    The condition for us to obtain independence in 1961 was either to unite with French Cameroon or to unite with Nigeria. If our fathers had boycotted the Plebiscite then we would still remain a colony under Britain. There was no option for us to be independent on our own.

    Our union with French Cameroon in 1961 was initiated by the United Nations and only the United Nations has the right to dissolve the union. Not even French Cameroon can unilaterally dissolve the union and neither can we. Numerous attempts to get the United Nations to intervene, even by John Foncha and S.T. Muna have failed.

    The numerous problems we face today are because the French Cameroon failed to respect the terms of Federation as agreed in the July 1961 Foumban Conference. Had the agreements been kept then life would be much better.

    If we want to attract the sympathy and support of the international community then our best bet is to fight very very hard for a federal system of government.
    I believe that is why the Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium is pushing for federation and then a referendum will probably be for deciding what form of federalism we want to follow.
    I don’t see countries like Nigeria and the United states supporting us if we tell them that we want to break away.
    As one of the contributors on this platform stated, we can seek full independence in 2 stages-federation first, then independence later if things don’t work out.

    A unilateral declaration of independence will be seen as a violation of international laws, and a slap not only in the face of the Biya government but also of the United Nations together with the whole international community.

    The Biya government will react by launching a full scale military attack and a tighter control in the Anglophone region. The international community on its part will stay quiet and do nothing until we are severely ‘punished’.

    “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

    1. Auggie Tafor

      I’m in the US.
      Where are Ambasonians meeting. Enough is enough. Every parliamentarian has resign from LA Republic. You can’t be refusing someone but then stay in his/her house.
      These are people we voted and they where to stand for us. Now that La Republic is killing, arresting and brutalizing our people, they all in parliament where to stand against such. And openly voice and declare such doing bad and seperate from the regime. The lives and future of our people are wasting. French Cameroon is continuing with school. It’s time we realize that Biya does not are and will never care and this parliamentarians should stop trying to protect their position.
      Where is the meeting in the USA.

      1. Matechs Power

        It is easy to talk from outside of the country and refute wise peaceful endeavours.
        For me, I think Ndi Emmanuel is wise
        Our forefathers never wanted to part Cameroon. The real issue is the Overwhelming Oppressive hand of the French Colonial master had never allowed the different presidents of the country to implement the Foumban Agreements.
        La France is behind all the political and economic problems of Southern and all Cameroonians. Are you all aware that it is because of the agreements president Ahidjo was forced to sign with The Colonial master before Foumban that are still killing the country today???
        Let me give us a tip in addition to what Ndi said : It will be easier for us to get to our freedom by FIGHTING the FCFA inside and outside of the country (FCFA which is the tool France have used up till now) than to get back straight to Southern Cameroons. By doing so, even our French speaking fellow Cameroonians will follow us. Let me tell you that many of them agree with most of our Claims. Let’s build on that energy. Even BIYA will not be able to stop it.
        Then it will be easier for us to enter Federalism in a very next future. This will be the next door to chase this Demoniac Regime out of power.
        Don’t joke with this wisdom.

        Above all, let all the believers cry out to The Almighty God for a great Revival by his Holy Spirit. Let the hearts of all. Cameroonians be revived for a righteous cause.

    2. chris ngum

      This is a very thoughtful comment Ndi Emmanul. We shouldn’t go in for a move without a support from International communities. The best bet we should be fighting for is Federation. That is obtainable and probably insisting of applying the Foumban constitution to the later. Thought it might have not been a perfect agreement, if it were applied, Cameroon should have been a better place. I believe that the government has seen our strength and will be very careful in doing any mistake in the future. We should review our Roadmap and let our kids go to school and when all those arrested are released, the courts can start. While doing this, we should demand a constitutional amendment and an immediate application of all the articles to ameliorate this country. After all, there is no Paradise on Earth. We still have our brothers who are sellouts with the regime. Even if we get independence, we will still have greedy people as well. In my opinion, we should push this regime to give accounts of their deeps. In this way, we can even win a majority of Franco-phones. They too are not getting a better deal from the system.

  6. Ernest G Timnge

    “The hijacked plane”
    (Southern Cameroons)
    Ernest Timnge
    When the British manufactured the SC airways,
    It was handed it over to the UN tower control
    To determine its fate and destination.
    The failure of the UN to take control in guiding
    The aircraft to land safely at its final destination
    At the Tiko International
    Was the greatest error
    Because the French tourists misguided
    The plane that ended up in the hands of the Beti hijackers.
    The SC airways
    That was destined to land at the Tiko International,
    Couldn’t reach it final destination.
    The crew members on board;
    Foncha, Jua, Muna, and Endeley designated by the British
    To care for the passengers on board were thrown
    Out through the tiny window of the aircraft.
    For 55 years, the SC airways was grounded in the Beti Republic
    With no courageous captain to champion it departure.
    With the presence of a new captain
    In the name of a Wirba force,
    The SC airways is now taxing on the runway
    Ready to take off for the Tiko International, being it final destination.
    Despite the torture, rape, brutality, maltreat, suffering, second class citizenship, the peaceful passengers on board are wishing
    The UN should have given the third option to show where the Ambazonians wanted their plane of hope to land safely. With the new momentum in place, the aircraft has just taken off and its final destination is at the Tiko International airport.

  7. Mourine

    God Almighty who took the Israeli to across the Red Sea is the author and finisher of this plan in the name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.


    Excelent and Brilliant very thoughtful I am fired up and dancing to the rhythm of this plan

  9. Tegha

    A wonderful roadmap. Please permit me ask, What is the role of the consortium in this plan? What if they go ahead and act contrary to this plan, for example by calling off the strike? This is my worry!

  10. Ivo

    Please am in Bamenda and have been studying the progression of the independence or separation from LRP. I notice that we need train soldiers and weapons for defence sake. This will give Biya’ s military so fear not to freely brutalized us when we are doing any needful protest. So let MoRISC work on that.

    1. Delphine Beyam

      This is really a job well done. Congratulations Morisc. Please let us continue to be in one peace and no one’s vice be undermined. God well see us through.He is always in the details. Courage courage courage! !!.Thanks

  11. Awa Linus Tambu

    I got just one worry- what strategy can we put in place to recall all Anglophone parliamentarians to withdraw from the Parliament of La Republique ??
    This move will take us far.

  12. Simon

    We have learnt from basic to the highest level of education in community buiding that inclusiveness, appreciation of diversity and making every voice count are the keys to any strong and successful community. We should not undermine this and we should make sure that not only major stake holders but every single voice is listened to and integrated in our struggle.

    From what i gather on the MoRISC home page, MoRISC is bringing together all these different factions. It will be very important if they research further and vet key factions that that are not yet included and invite them. On the other hand, it’s a duty of cthese various factions as well to communicate with MoRISC and request to join under th same umbrella bringing in their ideas and strengths. We cannot leave it to one faction as this is a struggle of we all holding each others arms and pulling as we walk along.


  13. Bamenda C

    Excellent!! We have a plan! We stand with your our leaders as you put to action this plan! You shall get all the support – financial and moral – that you need! We all know it will not be easy. LRC would deploy troops as usual. How shall we overcome this barrier in order to move on with the agenda? How are we going to prevent the continuous looting of our resources during the process? Will the ‘ghost town’ prevent tankers and trucks from transported our resources – oil and timber – out of our region?

    1. Ndi Emmanuel

      Hello Bamenda C,
      I agree with your questions. The greatest issue here is that LRC government is not just going to sit by and watch while you go into the streets, dance, and ring bells for an independent Southern Cameroons that has not yet been accepted by the United Nations and the AU. There is no place in the plans where there is an indication of receiving international recognition from world governing bodies.

      It’s just as if the world is going to bow down to us because we said so.

      The second problem is that all of these plans have been made by people in diaspora, who don’t face all the pain of torture, killing and rape people back in the NW and SW regions of Cameroon face.

      My fear is that all of these plans from MoRISC could sabotage the great work that Cameroon Anglophone Consortium is already doing.

      Why don’t we spend our time and energy working to win international recognition before making any plans to proclaim independence.


  14. Gen. Stam STEAL .

    Geat idea Sir, I’m in full swing, this Struggle most come to pass, I’m greatfull of the ideas of This organization,that has just put in place, (, we must walk out from this predators, by all means, we have to stand, as (ONE) . God Bless (Amazonian) we shall move forward mobilize, we have to stand STEAL, that means, we have to think how to protect our, people and future generations in (MLTR) wise. Thanks again for this movement, May God Guide and protect our leaders on this Struggle, as well the one that have gone never to come back,but they are with us in SPIRIT.


    General Stam.

  15. nkuo chongwain bc,

    Thanks for the great job. For sure detailed organization has been involved. The road map is interesting, inviting and I believe, for more efficiency, the need to coordinate activities on the ground remains great. Some tactical issues need to be handled, but surely not on this medium. We will endeavor to find MoRISC at main street, B’da. As regards issues of a common front or harmonious effort at the level of international organizations (UNO and specialized agencies like ITU, UPU, etc; Commonwealth and its specialized organs like CTO, CPU, etc; AU and specialized agencies like ATU, PAPU, etc), we believe initiators of this road map have paid attention or would do so regarding these issues which are more or less strategic. High moral values are surely expected for achievement . You have our encouragements without forgetting that the precepts laid down by God constitute the highest means for the maintenance of order in the world and the security of its peoples.

  16. Ameli Noah Tabi

    Brilliant initiative, I must applaud this. Seriously, I have often ponder on the nature of things after we succeed in in achieving our independence. But with this road map, I am comforted a little. I agree with the proposal Ngang Carol made made above by starting that we establish the modalities and national symbols first before proper declaration of independence.

    I therefore wish to propose that there should be an open bit or contest for national symbols. Moreover, I am a bit worried about how this liberation can be achieved and I think that should be the worries of most southerners. This is because there is a permanent army of occupation in our territory ready to devour defaulters. How are we going to achieve this. what is our master plan? I know it cannot be disclosed here but we should be thinking towards that direction because LRC will not let us go just like that. We need maximum international support.

  17. Khan Jonas

    Excellent . But let’s note the following,
    Let morisc work with others like scnc,teachers unions, layers etc sone who have been on the move for years so that you all can work together on one goal which is total independence.

    Let the flag, anthem,code of arms motto etc be put in place before October 1st which is independence day so that Amazonians will hoist their flag on that day and sing their anthem.

  18. Khan jonas

    Thanks but let morisc work with those who have been working for the just course like scnc,teachers associations lawyers and the others with one goal being total independence. United we stand but divided we fall. Let a code of arms, anthem, flag,motto etc be put in place before the independence day so Amazonians can sing their and while hoisting their flag on that day . let security be giveb priority too because the bamena airport is under the occupation forces of LA repubic

  19. khan Jonas

    Please let morisc work hand in hand with scnc, teachers unions, lawyers and the rest for us to achieve independence . Let security be given priority too given that the bamenda airport is under la republic now. Let an anthem, code of arms, motto and the rest be in place so ambazonians can get use to the anthem before 1st october or independence day. Thanks

  20. Buwoh Sylvester Goddy

    Will be coming later to chip in my own area of active contribution and where best l think l would be of help to the Southern Cameroon independence restoration as clearly outlined in the above syncronized manifesto. Brief, l am of the military/international cooperation background with sound knowledge and experience in the field of security and practical military operations. Do also have international NGO working knowledge & experience on humanitarian development and logistic administration. Graduate from the “Institut de Coopération International” (I.C.I) here in Paris. IRIC in Yaoundé derived its appelation and creation from this institution where currently l am a product of and a proud Southern Cameroonian Fellow of the presticious school of international cooperation institute based here in Paris. But because of this background analysis, l do wish not to be looked upon and considered as a disguised frog from across the other side of the Mungo Bridge. No, l am a Bamunka man from Ndop in Ngoketunjia Division born by both parents from and as local native people of Bamunka of then Southeastern Federation of Nigeria. Have served in the Correction services of West Cameroon under the then United Republic of Cameroon and later as a Gendarme Officer attached to the Presidential security under the presidency of Ahmadou Ahidjo. Resigned and walked away from the still ongoing mess under LRC administration and subsequently fell in love with other international services in the oil industry, diplomacy and studies. This is for your consideration if l could be one of the square pecks to be fitted somewhere within your restkration frame work.

  21. NGANG Carol C

    I am a bit worried about this planning. Proclaiming independence (independence restoration as you put it) means that the country is supposed to start functioning fully from the day of the proclamation of independence, having already lobbied for international recognition of the new state by a couple of other sovereign states.

    How is it possible that we proclaim independence before we go to start to work out the modalities of how the state is to function? This is the same mistake that our leaders made in 1961 when they when they achieved independence ill-prepared and Ahidjo took advantage of the opportunity and recolonised Southern Cameroons the same day it became independent. Have we not learnt a lesson after 55 solid years?

    If what is suppose to define the independent state of Southern Cameroon such as the national symbols, structures and institutions are not in place, then I would think that the road-map is premature and probably should be delayed until the state has properly be structured before any public ceremony of the kind of proclaiming or restoring the independence.

    Please, see below a few of the items I copied from the road-map of what is to be done on Monday, 2 October 2017.

    Launch of contests to, among others, design a flag, compose an anthem, name the new country, adopt a new code of arms, etc.

    First full day of work for the Interim Government of Southern Cameroons.

    First full day of the Drafting Committee of the new constitution and electoral law of Southern Cameroons.

    First full day of County, town, village and hamlet Electoral Commissions to agree the new electoral law.

    Start of registration for the first general elections of Southern Cameroons.

    1. Ndi Emmanuel

      You are right my brother. We shouldn’t make the mistake of being ill prepared especially on the ground otherwise we will have problems among ourselves.

      I agree that the plan is delayed especially if international recognition is not obtained.

  22. Neuroscience Cameroon

    That is very well crafted and rather than trying to re-invent the wheels or re-stated the obvious you have gone ahead to articulate the modus operandi. My worry is couldn’t you work in synergy with others that have done before you. Factionism weakens a course. If I got you well, we can’t have a country first before knowing its name (Launch of contests to, among others, design a flag, compose an anthem, name the new country, adopt a new code of arms,).
    I want to believe the name Ambazonia and its accessory anthem, flag and currency are well in order. If you are talking about restoration then that is to say we had something. Lets get back to that (constitution) before setting up anything we never had.

  23. Evelyne Manka Ngwa

    Very good idea. But my worries is the division among us. Some for federation and others for separation. Please let the leaders come together and agree on one agenda so we can move together in unity and in one voice. Change is near. Unted we will stand stronger by his grace.

    1. Ndi Emmanuel

      The issue of federation or separation will need a referendum organised by the United Nations so that Southern Cameroonians can make their choice. Many of our brothers and sisters are married to Francophones, so there could be much reluctance to separate completely.

  24. Angel

    Touching on two points already mentioned, this needs to be jointly coordinated with representatives on the ground.
    Secondly we need a back up for sustainance. Already one principal in Buea has slashed staff salaries for boycotting school. What is the plan if LRC with holds salaries?
    In addition, fewer committees will enable clarity as already there’s too many names flying in the air and it can be confusing as per jurisdiction and or responsibility.
    Lastly security is fundamental, what measures are in place? Could the UN peace keeping force be requested? Guys you know LRC won’t quietly watch this happen right? For example the Bamenda airport we are planning to land in is currently an LRC military base.

  25. Gerald Kiku

    I have read the MoRISC manifesto and think it is full of substance. But there are some very important things that are absent; the none mention of the people championing the organization, and the lack of coordination with the people on the ground ( i.e Cameroon). Maybe I just missed it, please let me know. We (the diaspora) are not on the ground, and can only be relevant if we don’t act in in isolation. The people who have braved torture, intimidation, imprisonment, bullets and death in Bamenda, Kumba Buea and all over West Cameroon are the cornerstone of our revolution. Hence, any percieved or actual sidelining of the footsoldiers would quickly backfire and end in failure. I think this brings to light the inherent issue of the lack of inclusive leadership, and broad bases coordination of all the efforts in the struggle

    1. Innocent Chia

      Dear Gerald: thank you so much for taking your valuable time to read through the manifesto. Thank you even more for taking the time to share your thoughts with the team here at MoRISC and fellow Southern Cameroonians at home and abroad.
      Regarding the important concerns you raised, herewith some thoughts:
      1) “the none mention of the people championing the organization” – There will be an election of MoRISC leaders over the first weekend of Febraury -4-5. As it stands at this point in time, the respective groups that have come together under this MoRISC umbrella organization are looking at their field of candidates for positions that they will feel best fit to serve.
      2) “the lack of coordination with the people on the ground ( i.e Cameroon)” – Although not visible to the naked eye yet, there is a lot of communication and coordination. A lot of it is also ongoing as bridges have to be built.
      The fact of it is that we need everyone of us to join in the fight for the Restoration of our beloved Southern Cameroons. I am sure that you are good at something. Please volunteer whatever service you can provide. Do something, and never underestimate what it is.

      Let us keep the spirit alive!

  26. Ernest G Timnge

    If it is true that the main goal of the United Nation Organization is promoting peace and stability around the world, then, there is an emergency situation in Southern Cameroons now that needs the attention of the UN. The demonic regime of President Paul Biya is secretly and quietly carrying out genocide in Southern Cameroons right. Our people are being kidnapped by the Biya’s regime to unknown locations and it is reported that many have been killed. I am calling on the UN, United States of America, Britain, and Canada to intervene in Southern Cameroons and save our people before the government of La Republique finish them. The Southern Cameroonians have gone through a lot. What took place in Rwanda is exactly what is happening in Southern Cameroons right now. Do not give a deaf ear to our plea for help in Southern Cameroons. There are currently secret killings and night kidnapping going on now. The reason they are kidnapping Southern Cameroonians in the Night because they want to avoid social media from exposing their evils deeds. Please Southern Cameroonians make sure you spread the news as fast as possible. Let us save our homeland from the regime of Yaoundé. I am told the man who started the corphin revolution has been kidnapped by unknown person. Let hope and pray that nothing happens to him. The regime of Yaounde is very evil.
    Ernest Timnge

  27. Ernest G Timnge

    If it is true that the main goal of the United Nation Organization is promoting peace and stability around the world, then, there is an emergency situation in Southern Cameroons now that needs the attention of the UN. The demonic regime of President Paul Biya is secretly and quietly carrying out genocide in Southern Cameroons right. Our people are being kidnapped by the Biya’s regime to unknown locations and it is reported that many have been killed. I am calling on the UN, United States of America, Britain, and Canada to intervene in Southern Cameroons and save our people before the government of La Republique finish them. The Southern Cameroonians have gone through a lot. What took place in Rwanda is exactly what is happening in Southern Cameroons right now. Do not give a deaf ear to our plea for help in Southern Cameroons. There are currently secret killings and night kidnapping going on now. The reason they are kidnapping Southern Cameroonians in the Night because they want to avoid social media from exposing their evils deeds. Please Southern Cameroonians make sure you spread the news as fast as possible. Let us save our homeland from the regime of Yaoundé. I am told the man who started the corphin revolution has been kidnapped by unknown person. Let hope and pray that nothing happens to him. The regime of Yaounde is very evil.
    Ernest Timnge

  28. Njousi Abang

    This a very good initiative. It is worth some serious attention. No faction has been able to detail out an elaborate programme of action like this with firm deadlines. Thus I am grateful for this turn of events and addition. If this can re-awaken the consciousness of compatriots in Obamaland and bring many others of our people on board, so be it. So much work has already been done to set up theoretical governance structures for the Federation of Southern Cameroons aka Ambazonia. We need to work in synergy with all compatriots who had taken time to provide those solution packs. A check of grounds covered by the SCNC, SCAPO, Ambazonia Governing Council and Gorgi Dinka’s Ambazonia will add value to this proposal and resolve some very deep worries and concerns. To conclude, we need the ground swell and initiatives to bring all to buy the package proposed. The taste of the pudding lies in the eating so let us go down to work by forming a coalition of the willing with major stakeholders and working to make it work. Thank you MoRISC.


    what a wonderful idea.but i think the suggestion made by Nfor Ernest should be look into.i’m in total support for this struggle enough is enough .members elected should do their possible best to serve and lead rather than rulling .we could become one of the most admired Country in the world. i strongly believe so .above all we should keep praying for unity among ourselves and total understanding .GOD bless S. Cameroon

  30. Sone Martha

    This is unbelievably splendid , and as one of the above commentators-Africanchild has commented, a strong-worded message should go on air before the gangster regime’s end of year speech to the nation.
    I love this.
    We will overcome this struggle in Jesus name.

  31. Ernest G Timnge

    I am particularly grateful for this great work done so far towards the restoration of our statehood. I am ready to fight and defend my country the Southern Cameroons if need be. Thank you for all of you who worked day and night to draft this website. I am in

  32. Nfor Ernest

    Good initiative, but how are those currently employed by the government going to earn a living during that period? I suggest a committee should be set up to reduce negative impact on our society,. As minimum, the following appeal should be considered:
    1. Traders/Farmers: Cutdown profits within NorthWest and increase prices of items leaving the Regions to reduce loses. Any attempt to increase prices of items from La republic will affect everybody, so highly unlikely
    2. Landlords should give our people a period of grace or reduced rents. An incentive should be presented to those who provide evidence of compliance after restoration
    3. Everybody should be encouraged to be part of either a church or mosque through which sharing can be encouraged to sustain everybody. Diasporas can also make donations through some of the churches or mosques which have our people monitoring finances.
    4. Those who have idle lands can lease to committee for group farming to support our people, hunger is what can easily weaken the struggle

    1. Angh+ndatabô

      Brilliant ideas. We must anticipate inevitable challenges and once people understand that there is a good plan they will naturally be very supportive.

      I will like to add that consideration be made for security. Maybe retired service men and others who have experience in policing be organized to help with intelligence management and crisis resolution.

      Red Cross groups be mobilized and

    2. Bobe

      This is key to understanding the situation. It is challenging to ask people with jobs and properties in places like Douala and Yaounde to give it up for a S. Cameroons, When you are not sure of the leadership capacity of the restoration government. Some are even married to Francophones! I am a S. Cameroonian and love the S. Cameroon cause. But this point is so far the strongest disincentive.

      It has to be a two stage process where you begin with Federalism, and seeing the result, you get to independence by building a process of disengagement without chaos.

  33. AfricanChild

    Well drafted and the timing is perfect…
    I don’t why but I strongly believe a strong message read by one of our leaders come on air via Social media or a Radio broadcast International or local sharing or highlighting our agenda… B4 the Lazy Old Dictator make his baseless address …

    1. Innocent Chia

      Hello Ransome. Thank you, indeed, for your interest. We all need to join hands to make the Restoration of Southern Cameroons a reality. You asked the question – “how can I partake in the execution?”
      There are so many ways you can be an invaluable asset in this fight:
      1) Familiarize yourself with the facts of our history and share your knowledge with those who may not have assess to internet or to a library like you do.
      2) Refer those with internet assess to
      3) See to it that you form a cell of active Southern Cameroonians. A cell should have no more than 10 trusted persons that believe in the Restoration of Southern Cameroons.
      4) Visit this page often and read up on the Road map and actively participate in activities along the road map.
      5) Never stop asking questions and learning about the justness ad legitimacy of our fight.
      6) If you can, make financial sacrifices that will allow the execution of some parts of the road map.
      Again, on behalf of the MoRISC Communications team, thank you!

  34. Angh+nadatabô

    I have just one word for those who have undertaken this initiative ~ Excellent!

    This is exactly what is needed now. The fight will be tough but we have been through 99 tough fights and the hundredth is the last which we must fight. The Restoration of the Independence of Southern Cameroons is soon at hand!

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