Spirit of the Day September 22 2017

September 22, 2017
The people of the State of British Southern Cameroons | Ambazonia stood up like one wo/man this 22nd day of September 2017 to say No to the occupation of their homeland by the Franco-Camerounese republique, whose agents have consistently and relentlessly meted out undeserved punishment and death to a growing number of our citizens – the People of the State of British Southern Cameroons | Ambazonia.

Here is a video of what happened today in the homeland – our people defying the Franco-Camerounese govt agents’ declaration of state of emergency in our homeland. Our people came out in numbers with nothing but song, determination and peace plants.

The Franco-Camerounese armed agents still found an excuse to shoot dead a number of our citizens. The tally is yet to be made.
The Restoration of the Independence of the State of British Southern Cameroons is a Task that Must Be Done.

The Fon of Bessi Makes an Appearance as our Youth chant Freedom for Ambazonia

Young Citizen explains why the Outrage

Citizens of Belo, Boyo County, State of British Southern Cameroons, join in the global resistance of our state to the post-colonial re-colonization
and REAL OCCUPATION by the republic of Franco-Cameroun. The Franco-Camerounese leadership is on notice – from the People.

Citizens of Belo, Boyo County, State of British Southern Cameroons, join in the global resistance.

Citizens on their march to Upstation Bamenda, in a standoff with armed agents of Franco-Cameroun