Category: RoadMap Roadmap to the Restoration of Independence

Roadmap to the Restoration of Independence

January 1, 2017

Sunday, 1 January 2017

  • Launch of a well-coordinated Campaign of Civil Disobedience to De-legitimize Colonialism by boycotting all events organized and/or presided by Governors, Senior Divisional Officers, Divisional Officers, and/or Government Delegates. Campaign declares null and void the powers conferred by decree (not flowing from the people) on these colonial officials.
  • Elected Councilors, Elected Mayors, Elected Members of Parliament, and Elected Senators along with the Elected Leaders of Major Trade Unions (Lawyers, Teachers, Student Leaders, Traders, “Okada” Riders, etc.) to constitute the Lower House of the New Interim Congress of Southern Cameroons. (Officials who decline to serve shall be replaced by their alternates, their assistants, or the next officer in order of protocol).
  • Launch of Campaign to Rehabilitate/Legitimize the Chiefs and Fons ahead of the Revamping of the House of Chiefs and Fons. The House of Chiefs and Fons to serve as the Upper Chamber of the New Interim Congress of Southern Cameroons. (Citizens whose Chiefs and/or Fons decline to serve will have option to designate another traditional authority.)
  • Launch of the “Prayer for the Peaceful Restoration of Independence” to be said on all Sundays and on all Fridays in all churches and mosques across Southern Cameroons. (Prayer to be sent on 30 December 2016).
  • Launch grassroots branches of MoRISC and “Resistance Offices”.
  • Launch of the global eCitizenship campaign for Southern Cameroons.
  • NB: No officials appointed by the Government of La Republique du Cameroun shall be able to serve unless they first resign and are vetted.


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